We optimize the performance of businesses and organizations by carefully integrating advanced information systems into their operations
Automation Consultants was founded in 1983 to help businesses and organizations benefit from computer technology. We believe this pursuit has become vital to our national economic strength and security – few pursuits are more important. Consequently, this website is primarily designed to inform and enlighten its visitors rather than to unduly influence them or promote products.
Our self-imposed assignment is tough: to advance American businesses and organizations by improving information quality in all aspects, including communications, web-presence, software, and now AI. Our challenge for you is to evaluate this website realizing that what we do may be necessary but isn’t necessarily easy. If you think that we could help your organization or that you might be able to help in our endeavors, please contact us.
Capabilities and Accomplishments
Information technology does not function in a vacuum, so to serve our clients we apply principles from project management, computer science, system design, management, and accounting. Our application of these disciplines is seasoned with well over a century of hands-on experience and study. Over the years, we have automated our governor’s office and helped bring an $80MM Santa Fe manufacturer to a nearly $400MM acquisition. We also developed Quality Assurance software for the manufacture of jet-engine components which was adopted by the USAF. Our largest clients are an over-700-employee non-profit and an almost-8,000-employee online organization; however, we enjoy helping organizations of all sizes – our smallest client is a single individual. We are currently seeking likeminded consultants and partners in addition to new clients.
Our implementation success rate is over 90%. We studiously observe professional standards and are proud of our professional backgrounds and commitments. As a council member for the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP), our founder contributed to the code of ethics we follow.
Automation Consultants stresses Information Quality, efficiency, and productivity through good system design and careful implementation. We apply a proprietary methodology derived from military planning, medical practice, and software design, that we call Objective-Oriented Improvement™. OOI™ fosters agreement on the objectives of our mutual work and the strategies to achieve them.
We are well-versed in training and testing methods as well as workflow design and analytics. We also address the full spectrum of information system problems from typos to misinformation, from mistakes to fraud, management practices to software and computer problems, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. We are a Microsoft partner and most-often rely on products from Microsoft because they integrate well, are familiar to more workers, and will endure. Our holistic, integrative, top-down style requires that we command all available resources to help our clients, including Dynamics 365 BC, ERP, CRM, traditional accounting functions, office automation, and AI, plus a large selection of specialized third-party software. Most of these products are available in either Internet-based (cloud) or on-premises versions. Additionally, we have deep technical resources available through our Microsoft and Stratus Cloud Alliance partnerships.
We invite our clients and visitors to join us in promoting traditional values, such as integrity and success through diligent work. Mutual values are the foundation of Automation Consultants’ efforts to improve American productivity, competitiveness, and prosperity. Achieving these first-order objectives requires the involvement of potential and existing clients, so we always address them in our preliminary discussions and planning. This groundwork helps us prepare for the development of client-specific objectives, culminating in a complete objective tree for the organization and a plan for each project.
Please use the menu at the top of our pages to explore specific topics. You might start with the Considerations page under the Products We Use main menu tab. If you look under the Industries We Serve main tab, you will see lines of business where we have experience and have experienced success. This includes professional services like accounting and business consulting, software development, manufacturing, high-tech companies, scientific research, engineering and ETO, wholesale/distribution, non-profits, and health care. Under the Additional Resources main tab, you may find our website blog informative and useful. This blog is unconventional in that it primarily features hand-curated, peer-reviewed articles that we regularly catalogue from science publications (with permission, of course). We believe this approach provides the most comprehensive and reliable information. We always welcome constructive comments and criticisms via our blog.

The Most Important Thing
Improve your life and the success of your business or organization with Microsoft Dynamics … transform them with our unique insights.

The Power of Project Management

ERP and CRM for R&D

The Power of Partnership
Clients First
Helping you is our primary objective
Mitigate Risk
Our methodology is solid and complete
Local focus – National Resources
Modern solutions for today’s business